nail fungus under nail

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Other than keeping your toenails trimmed and perhaps painted, you may not pay much attention to them — unless a problem develops. Healthy toenails are pink, shiny and smooth, but a fungal infection can cause them to become discolored, thick, brittle and even painful.

Nail Fungus - Nail Fungus Under Nail

Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but challenging condition; toenail fungus treatments include a wide range of options with varying success rates.

Fungal Nail Infection: Overview, Causes & Treatments

Fungal nail infections are usually caused by fungi called dermatophytes that infect the skin beneath the nail; yeast is another common culprit. Toenails are especially vulnerable to infection when your bare feet contact damp surfaces such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. If you have athlete’s foot, the infection can spread to the nails.

Wearing closed shoes such as athletic shoes for extended periods also can contribute to infection if your shoes and/or socks are damp from perspiration or heat. Moreover, if your shoes fit snugly enough to put pressure on your toes, they can damage the nail bed, making it more susceptible to infection.

“If your symptoms are severe or cause pain, or your toenail turns brown or black, it’s best to make an appointment with your primary care doctor or podiatrist instead of trying to treat it yourself, ” says Stacie Ly, MD, an internal medicine physician at Coastal Medical Center Carlsbad.

Nail Fungus Specialist

Toenail fungus infections often require diligent treatment to be successful. Early-stage toenail fungus may respond to home treatments, such as those listed below. Apply the treatment to the affected nail several times daily; you may need to treat for six months or more to clear the infection.

Over-the-counter treatments for toenail fungus include creams, ointments, sprays and liquids. Ask your pharmacist for a recommendation or look for these ingredients, and follow the directions carefully:

If your symptoms do not get better with home treatment, make an appointment with your primary care physician or a podiatrist. They may recommend a prescription-strength topical medication, or an oral anti-fungal pill that you take for two or three months. Oral treatment is usually more effective but may interact with other medications. Also, oral treatment can affect the liver, so you may need to have liver function tests while taking the medication.

Treat Fungal Nails

In severe cases that do not respond to treatment, the infected nail may be surgically removed in order to treat the nail bed; a healthy nail can then grow back. A chronically infected and painful nail may be permanently removed.

Treat Fungal Nails - Nail Fungus Under Nail

“If your toenail fungus keeps coming back despite taking preventive measures, see your primary care doctor or podiatrist, ” says Dr. Ly. “Something else may be causing it, or you may need a different approach. Your doctor can get to the root of the problem and determine the best course of action.”Whether you realize it or not, your toenails are important for your feet. Their hardened keratin tissue helps protect the ends of your toes from injury. Nails can become ingrown or infected and sustain unsightly and uncomfortable damage. The most common and problematic condition that affects your toenails is a fungal infection.

Nail fungus is an infection caused by microscopic fungi. The infection can affect just one nail or all ten at once, depending on how serious the condition has become and how far it has spread. The organism that causes the problem exists on its own in nature, breeding rapidly in warm, damp places. Anyone who is exposed to the pathogen can potentially develop an infection, though some people are more susceptible to it than others. Once on your nails, the fungus settles and spreads throughout the nails, creating difficulties in completely eradicating it.

Fungal Nail Problems

As it festers, the fungus breaks down the nail tissue, creating an unsightly and potentially uncomfortable problem. Nails become thickened, brittle, and discolored. They may smell somewhat foul, crack, or separate from the nail bed as well. The thickened nails can create discomfort whenever you wear shoes, as well as open your body up to additional infections from bacteria. Patients with a weakened immune system response, as with diabetes, are particularly at risk.

Many treatments exist to remedy fungal nails, though certain ones are more effective than others. Many topical antifungal medications and “home remedies” like Vick’s Vapor Rub or Clorox are unable to penetrate the nail tissue and eliminate the fungus at the source. They can also be irritating to the skin. Oral medications are more effective for treating the problem, but they take many months to have an effect and do not work for everyone. Patients also risk unpleasant side effects that require monitoring by frequent blood tests to avoid serious complications when they take oral antifungal medications.

What Causes Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis), And Do You Treat It? - Nail Fungus Under Nail

The safest and most effective treatment for fungal nail infections is with a laser. The high-intensity light passes through your nails and vaporizes the fungal infection at its source without damaging the tissues. The laser treatment allows your body to begin immediately growing new, healthy nails. Here at Country Foot Care, we use two state-of-the-art lasers—the Pinpointe Foot Laser and the Cool Touch Cryo Laser—to offer our patients multiple options for seeking relief from their condition. The before and after case results on the patients who have received Pinpoint Laser treatments are truly remarkable. Although laser treatments are not covered by medical insurance, our practice offers interest-free financing to those who qualify. Additionally, most flex spending plans offer some degree of reimbursement as well. If you are suffering from unsightly and uncomfortable toenails, you do not have to live with the problem. Fungal nail infections are common and highly treatable, especially if you catch the condition early. Allowing the problem to progress risks unpleasant complications and additional infections. Instead, contact our doctors at Country Foot Care to eliminate the infection quickly. Appointments can be made by calling our offices during regular hours or, for convenience, you can use our APPOINTMENT button at the top of this page.Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes darker in color and smells foul. Debris may collect beneath the nail plate, white marks frequently appear on the nail plate, and the infection is capable of spreading to other toenails, the skin, or even the fingernails. If ignored, the infection can spread and possibly impair your ability to work or even walk. The resulting thicker nails are difficult to trim and make walking painful when wearing shoes. Onychomycosis can also be accompanied by a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in or about the nail plate.

What Causes Fungus To Grow Under Acrylic Nails, And How Do You Treat It?

Because it is difficult to avoid contact with microscopic organisms like fungi, the toenails are especially vulnerable around damp areas where you are likely to be walking barefoot, such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers, for example. Injury to the nail bed, even pressure from shoes, may make it more susceptible to all types of infection, including fungal infection. Those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as diabetes, circulatory problems, or immune-deficiency conditions, are especially prone to fungal nails. Other contributing factors may be a history of athlete’s foot and excessive perspiration.

Toenail fungus is often ignored because the infection can be present for years without causing any pain. The disease is characterized by a progressive change in a toenail’s quality and color, which is often ugly and embarrassing.

A daily routine of cleansing over a period of many months may temporarily suppress mild infections. White markings that appear on the surface of the nail can be filed off, followed by the application of an over-the-counter liquid antifungal agent. However, even the best over-the-counter treatments may not prevent a fungal infection from coming back. NONYX Fungal Nail Clarifying Gel - Nail Fungus Under Nail

Fingernail Fungus, Nail Health, Treatment & Symptoms

You should visit a podiatrist when you notice any discoloration, thickening, or deformity of your toenails. The earlier you seek professional treatment, the greater your chance at getting your nails to clear.

Treatments may vary, depending on the nature and severity of the infection. Your podiatrist can detect a fungal infection early, culture the nail, determine the cause, and form a suitable treatment plan, which may include prescribing topical or oral medication, and debridement (removal of diseased nail matter and debris) of an infected nail.

Oral antifungals, approved by the Food and Drug Administration, may be the most effective treatment. They offer a shorter treatment regimen of approximately three months and improved effectiveness. Your podiatrist may also prescribe a topical treatment, which can be an effective treatment modality for fungal nails.

Omaha Dermatology Toenail Fungus Treatment

In some cases, surgical treatment may be required. Temporary removal of the infected nail can be performed to permit direct application of a topical antifungal. Permanent removal of a chronically painful nail that has not responded to any other treatment permits the fungal infection to be cured and prevents the return of a deformed nail.

Nail Psoriasis Or Fungus? Differences, Symptoms, And Outlook - Nail Fungus Under Nail

Trying to solve the infection without the qualified help of a podiatrist can lead to more problems. With new technical advances in combination with


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